Over the past few years we have had holiday Bible Clubs, and each year an amazing turnout... This year, however, was slightly different. Instead of the 24+ PCI team members that have come in past years, we had a team of 6, including the famous Laura Crossett, who had named herself "The Link Person" (team leader in other words) The rest of the team of helpers was composed of members of the church. This being new, we weren't exactly sure how it would turn out.... but it was a BIG success!

This year, our Summer Bible Club was called based on the story of Peter.  Packed full of fun and games from the Monday to the Friday, the children had many laughs learning about Peter from our different storytellers and Drama.

On Saturday the 24th of July, MAD@first and the Young Adults Bible Study Group went bowling for a summer trip.  The day was full of fun and laughs with Melanie Boyce winning at the end! After stopping in Portrush to get a chippy, however, the Rev. Curry decided it would be a good idea to stare at the boats in the harbour and pick which one we liked best! After that we walked along the prommanade and got into the bus to go home!